Tuesday, March 2, 2010

blog 25

Okay, so we watched an episode of Battelstar Gallactica today in class. It was entitled "33". I thought it was a mildly interesting episode. Basically, humans are running from robots, go figure. They determine that one of the ships that are in their fleet is being tracked somehow, so they shoot it down. This is very controversial. This, obviously, is an example of doing something you really don't want to do, but you know that you really have to. For people with specific moral values when they hit a car in the parking lot and no one is around, they don't want to, but they leave a note on the car with their information. Sometimes you have to do what you don't want to do for the greater good. I thought it was interesting how the fleet could feed and have enough water for nearly 50,000 people for that amount of time. Probably some wild technology. I thought the faster-than-light drive was interesting. It's a neat concept at how to travel really fast, as opposed to just being able to go that fast at any time you want. I don't really know what to think about that Baltar character. He is kind of coming across as a potential mole in the series, possibly a great protagonist. It would be interesting to see his character develop throughout the series. I also find his hallucinations pretty crazy. There are a lot of unexplained things that happened in the episode. It would be interesting to see another episode.


  1. So, your question about food/water? Right now this is days after the initial attack. They have enough supplies for now (plus they haven't really had any time to actually think about planning for the future since every 33 minutes the cylons show up trying to kill them). But it becomes an issue. Quickly. For example, all we've seen is episode one (the running away episode). But what happens at the end? They seem to escape the cylons. So what happens next? You guess. I'll give you a hint: Episode two is titled "Water."

  2. Very good points, there are very tough decisions we have to make for the greater good even if those decisions aren't necessarily the most moral. The moral thing here would be to make sure there are no people on the ship before shooting. It then becomes a question of, is doing what is morally right always the right thing to do?

  3. I agree, the faster-than-light drive was pretty cool. I wonder how the Cylons don't have technology to follow right behind though. Maybe they can't if they don't which direction their headed in?

  4. I never thought about the water question. It is crazy they need food for all of them too. They have to make everything and how are they getting the supplies? I saw Leslie's comment and the next episode called "Water".. ut oh.

  5. I really liked the line you wrote, "sometimes you have to do what you don't want to do for the greater good."

  6. I agree with Luke. This line was a good one and is very true.
