Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Well, i really like the movie "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles". It's a classic, starring John Candy and Steve Martin. I would call it Steve Martin's best flick. It's a really funny movie that also hits at other emotions. Steve is trying to make it home for Thanksgiving and he runs into Candy. Candy is not what he appears to be as a person. It's funny and touching at the same time, and John Candy is the man so the movie is very solid. 10/10.


  1. Dude... that movie's awesome. Steve martin is the man. That movie is an american classic.

  2. I have never seen the movie. It sounds good though so maybe I will watch it sometime now.

  3. Yea, one of the funniest movies. I love it.

  4. I seem to never watch good movies every time someone says a movie is good i have never seen it. I need to watch this obviously.

  5. Haha I'm with Hilary...I haven't heard of this movie and lots of other popular movies. Like I got death stares in Poli Sci last quarter cause I had never seen Schindlers List! haha

  6. Jon said...
    high recommended

    February 9, 2010 11:46 PM
    Jon said...

    February 9, 2010 11:47 PM

    nail that comment quota son.

  7. never seen or heard of this movie. but it sounds interesting!

  8. I haven't seen this movie, but Steve Martin is always hilarious! I should check this movie out.

  9. John Candy and Steve Martin, it has to be good!

  10. Never seen this movie, but steve martin is great in all of his movies, looks like something ill be watching soon.

  11. I've never seen this movie but I've heard that it is a classic.

  12. I havent seen the whole movie but from the parts i have seen it seems very interesting.
