Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Blog 16

The song i choose is called "Ocean" by John Butler Trio. This song is a "conversational piece" with no words. It's awe inspiring and soul touching. It's the most gripping, intense piece of acoustic guitar ever recorded. The song will talk to everyone that listens to it. It will tell you what you need to hear. It will lift you up and make the day yours. The first time you hear it, please, go to youtube and listen to the live at Federation Square version. Watch the whole video. Watch this man, John Butler. Turn up the volume. Make sure you watch the whole video. Is this man one of the greatest musicians alive, I believe he is. I said This song has no words, what this song actually has is implicit lyrics and they're different and wondrous for everyone.


  1. Sounds interesting, I'll have to check it out sometime.

  2. your analysis sounds great! i have never heard of him before though..

  3. My friend actually showed me this video like a couple weeks ago! it's amazing.

  4. I just listened to this on youtube and this song is great! good choice.

  5. I have never heard of this song before, but it sounds really interesting.

  6. I really like the way you describe this song.

  7. Ocean is amazing. It is like going on an adventure in a song. John Butler does a great job with this song.
