Wednesday, January 27, 2010

blog 12

So I read "Grimm Realities" and thought it was okay. A quote I think can help interpret this article is "We both know there are real monsters". This article is about the tie in with fairy tales and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Joss Wheldon knows what he is doing. He clearly is a scholar in literature. I thought it was very interesting how Joss incorporated these historic fairy tale references into the plot of various episodes. I found the descriptions of the actual fairy tales very facinating. It's cool how he descretely references classic fairy tales. It's interesting how the author mentions the theme of isolating children in fairy tales and in several Buffy episodes. In both the children are the only ones that encounter the real monsters. It's a very interesting article.


  1. yea i like how they show the connection between fairy tales and Buffy. I thought it was an interesting article.

  2. I also thought that it was interesting how Whedon incorporated the fairy tales into his show. I never would have realized that had i not read the article.

  3. It is interesting how Whedon talks about fairy tales and the Buffy series because Buffy is a bit violent and what some would consider 'scary' to be considered a fairy tale.
