Sunday, January 17, 2010

Blog 9.

Another primary source that i am considering doing for the analytical writing project is the episode of Firesly where Saffron tries to steal the Serenity. she does this through manipulation and seduction. She blindsides everyone on the ship by acting completely innocent then goes on to poison the captain and almost succeed in taking over the ship. A key part in this episode is when Saffron poinons the captain. It's basically the climax, where you can see the direction of the episode. This episode mkes very clear that women are very powerful and a main component to the show. there are also random comedic undertones, as in all episodes. this makes me wonder why the captain isn't a girl. it seems somewhat natural


  1. Yea this definitely has a feminist tone to it. He seems to make every woman a strong person, perhaps stronger then the men.

  2. Every episode of firefly i have seen has some sort of feminist tone to it. im also surprised the captain is not a woman

  3. I agree with david, a lot of the firefly episodes have a feminist outlook it seems.

  4. Saffron is a very interesting and intelligent character She uses her intelligence to manipulate Mal and the crew to steal the ship.
